Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's Eve/Day

You know the song What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?  I'm sure you do!  That song is stuck in my head as I write this post about what we did New Year's Eve.

I've always been a fan of the more relaxed New Year's party.  I don't enjoy packed bars full of drunk people and long lines for the bathroom.  I much prefer to be at home, in the company of good friends and family, eating good food and enjoying a drink knowing I don't have to drive anywhere after the clock strikes twelve.
I really wanted to wear my sparkle shirt on NYE, but we were eating ribs and it was ivory so I changed shortly after arriving.  Plus, pajamas are so much comfier!

This year, like many before, we spent New Year's Eve at my parents house.  It's become tradition that my stepdad smokes ribs (YUM!), we play games, and enjoy a few adult beverages.  Well, this year did not disappoint.  There was tons of awesome food including a butternut squash casserole I made (recipe courtesy of my future mother-in-law) and the amazing fruit salad I took to work on Christmas.
I just love the color of butternut squash and man did it taste delicious!

After we ate, we decided to play a few games.  Catch Phrase is a family favorite and I think we probably spend a total of at least 2.5 hours playing this game.  We also played the Trivial Pursuit Party Game and guess what-the ladies won!  Every year we play guys versus gals and seeing as I have an uncle who is crazy smart, the guys usually win.  This year, that was not the case!  It was a fabulous night and I can't imagine ringing in the New Year any other way!

The next day we decided to take advantage of us both being off work and run a few errands and then hit up the movie theater to finally see The Hobbit.  The theater was packed!  I guess we didn't think about everyone else being off as well.  It worked out though and we got good seats (I always like to sit on the end of the aisle) and loved the movie!  We made it out just in time to run a few more errands and head home before the weather got too bad.  You see, it decided to snow here on New Year's Day and man was it blowing all over the road!

The night was spent cuddled up on the couch with our new portable heater aimed right at us, drinking hot chocolate, eating cookies, and watching a movie.  It was a great way to celebrate day one of this new year!

What did you do on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day?

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