Monday, April 28, 2014

Book Review: Night Circus

"You're in the right place at the right time, and you care enough to do what needs to be done.  Sometimes that's enough."
-Erin Morgenstern, Night Circus

I finished reading Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern a few weeks ago, but decided to save my book review until the end of April since it was the April book choice for Bon's Book Club.  I had a difficult time getting into the book.  It seemed as if there was a lot of unnecessary fluff to the story line.  After the first 100 or so pages, my interest was peaked and I ended up enjoying the read.  

Night Circus is the story of two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who are bound together in a "game."  To begin with, neither of them know the identify of the competitor.  Eventually, they discover they are competing against each other and the night circus is their playing field.  Most of the other members of the circus are not aware of the "game" in which they are participating; they are simply there to perform their acts.  This novel definitely falls in the fantasy genre. Below are the answers to some of Bonnie's questions for her book club.

Who is your favorite character in the novel and why?
There are so many characters in this novel to choose from, but I would have to say Bailey or Poppet.  Bailey is an outsider who happens to sneak into the circus as a young boy and meets Poppet.  Years later, the circus returns to Bailey's town.  Late that night as the doors open he enters and searches for the young girl, Poppet, he met long ago.  They become friends and learns the ins and outs of the circus.  I really enjoyed the story line and the relationship between these two.

What about the main romantic relationship (Celia + Marco), did you like it or not?
I really did like the relationship between Celia and Marco.  I liked how the author developed the relationship as the novel progressed and as time passed.  It reminded me of the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet (one of my favorites).

Did you like the writing style? Why or why not?
As I stated earlier, I think there was a lot of extra fluff to the novel and I think the story could of been told in far fewer pages.  I also found parts of the novel to be confusing, particularly her reference to various characters by different names.  It also took me a while to figure out that the short descriptions she has throughout the book describe different tents within the night circus.  Morgenstern's writing style definitely took some getting used to, but I think the novel is worth a read.

That's all I have for today folks.  There will be another book review sometime next week on The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls.  Happy Monday!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quarter of a Century

Today I turn 25 years old.  

Today my car insurance goes down.   

Today I look back on being 24 years old and think of everything I accomplished.  

Today I will eat my favorite dessert with some of my favorite people.

Today I look forward to what is to come.

While I was 24, I graduated from nursing school, accepted my first full time position as a registered nurse, got engaged, started a blog, and became an adjunct nursing instructor.

At the age of 25, I will marry the man of my dreams, travel to Europe for the first time, possibly buy a house, possibly buy a new car, and hopefully continue teaching.

I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I have had and will continue to have.  Here is a look back at my younger years.
Little me with my wonderful parents.
My younger sister, Rachel, and I.
Reading with grandma.
Hanging out with the neighbor kid who is still a great friend.
Exploring with Rachel.
Building houses while on a camping trip.
At the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival in Winfield, KS.
My 18th birthday.
High school graduation with grandma and grandpa.
With my sisters in Washington, D.C.
One of my favorite pictures at Tablerock Lake.
My future husband and I at a Royals game.

Happy birthday to me!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Book Review: I am Malala

"Once I asked God for one or two extra inches in height, but instead he made me as tall as the sky, so high that I could not measure myself."
-Malala Yousafzai

I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai was the February book of choice for Bon's Book Club.  I put it on hold at the local library earlier this year and finally got my hands on it a week or so ago. To read The Life of Bon's full review on the book click here.

In case you are not familiar with Malala Yousafzai, she is the young woman who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for standing up for girl's education.  The bullet entered her left eye socket and exited through her left shoulder and after multiple surgeries and swelling of her brain, she survived.  Her book focuses on the history of the Taliban in Pakistan, the transformation of the place she calls home, her fight for the right to go to school, and what happened following her getting shot.

The most inspiring part of this novel for me was Malala's age.  She was 15 when she was shot by the Taliban and much younger when she began speaking out against them.  Her story is a powerful one and provides a much different perspective on the war in the Middle East.  It also goes into detail about the differences between how men and women are treated in Pakistan.  For example, the birth of a son is a cause for celebration while the birth of a daughter is not.  The culture is very different than that of our society.

It was a hard book to get through at times and I think it could have been much shorter than it was, but I would still recommend you give it a try.  I think it demonstrates how much we take for granted living in a free country and having the right to an education.

Next up on my 2014 Reading List is The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Weekend Recap

What a weekend we had!  As I mentioned in my Friday post, we headed to dad and stepmom's on Saturday morning for a birthday/Easter extravaganza.  The morning started out with a breakfast feast (I expect nothing less from my father) and then we started our egg hunt.  Seven "kids" age 20 and older running about the yard grabbing eggs was quite the site.  After the egg hunt, we had an egg toss.  The stars aligned and the two most uncoordinated people were paired together (my sister, Rachel, and I).  Needless to say, we were the first pair eliminated.  We then moved on to a few "Minute to Win it" games.  It was a fun-filled morning!

After the Easter fun, we moved on to birthday celebrations.  Everyone wore light-up Disney princess stickers for me and Batman masks for my brother.  It was super fun!

Aaron informed me I had to remove the stickers from my shirt before we ran errands, so I pimped out his truck!

The family pictures that were planned fell through, but we did manage to capture a few classic sibling shots.

On Sunday, we celebrated Easter with Aaron's family and had another Easter egg hunt.  We also added another Easter figurine to our holiday decor.

What did you do to celebrate Easter?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

May your Easter Sunday be filled with faith, family, fun, and food.  Happy Easter everyone!

Friday, April 18, 2014

5 on Friday

It's that time of the week and thank goodness for that!  I'm off this weekend and I could not be more excited. So, here's my 5 on Friday for this week.

1. Tomorrow, Aaron and I will be traveling south to my dad and stepmom's for our April birthdays and Easter celebration as well as family pictures.  My brother, stepmom, and I all have birthdays in April so it gives everyone a good excuse for a family get together.  On Sunday, we will be venturing north to celebrate Easter with Aaron's family.  If you missed my post on our Easter decorations, check it out here.

2. I'm currently reading I am Malala (one of the books on my 2014 Reading List and from Bon's Book Club) and it provides a much different point of view on the war in the middle East.  This girl showed strength and stood up for what she believed in and it resulted in her being shot by the Taliban.  It's a very inspiring story and easy read.  Check out my book review on the last book I read here.

3.  Aaron and I had a movie night last evening complete with pizza and Saving Mr. Banks.  I love the movie Mary Poppins and Saving Mr. Banks tells the story of how it was brought to the film screen by working with author, P.L. Travers.  It was an excellent movie!

4.  My birthday week begins on Sunday!  Only 6 more days left before I turn the big 25 or, as I have been referring to it, my quarter of a century birthday.  Be prepared for some crazy throwback photos next week. Here's a sneak peek for you!
My younger sister, Rachel, and I before my dance class.

5. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a fabulous Easter!  Below is a video of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing my favorite Easter hymn.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Book Review: River, Cross My Heart

"With these coming children we never relinquish the past.  We keep seeing somebody gone in each new one."
-Breena Clarke
River, Cross My Heart by Breena Clarke has been on my bookshelf for quite some time now.  I went through a phase where I picked up any Oprah's Book Club book I saw at a garage sale and this happened to be one of them.  Anyways, I thought it would be a good book to add to my 2014 Reading List and boy was I disappointed.
This book had absolutely no plot.  It took everything in my power just to finish the darn thing and I have no idea what the point of the novel was.  Usually Oprah doesn't steer me wrong, but this time I was thrown completely off.  Never have I ever read a novel where I truly had no idea what was going on.  The reviews I have read have been mixed with some reviewers really enjoying this read, while others really disliked the novel.  My recommendation would be not to waste your time.

Next up on my list is I am Malala.  I have had it on hold at the local library since early February and finally got my hands on it this last weekend.  It was the February book for Bon's Book Club so I am a slightly behind, but ready to read it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Decor

I love decorating for the holidays!  Christmas, Halloween, 4th of July, and Easter are the big ones for me and I think the perfect decorations add so much to the holiday fun.

Seeing as we are just starting out in our new household, I don't have a whole lot in terms of decor yet.  As it turns out, Aaron's mom carried her Santa tradition on Saint Nicholas Day over to Easter by giving Aaron an Easter bunny every year.  The figurines are adorable and perfect to brighten up our little home!

I'm also a big fan of the gel cling-ons for windows and picked these up at Target.

Along with the window decor, I picked up these glitter eggs and added them to this glass cannister for my table.

With the extra glitter eggs, I decided to make a wreath similar to the one I made for Christmas.  I gathered my supplies and it took me maybe 30 minutes to make.  I love it!

It's not a lot, but it's enough for now and I know over the years we will accumulate so much  more.  Here are a few items I would love to have.

I really love the touch of color this table-runner would add!  Plus there are matching napkins and dish towels.

These dishes would be super fun to use for your Sunday Easter dinner.

And these napkin rings are adorable!

Lastly, I absolutely adore this bunny lantern!

What are your Easter decorations?

Monday, April 14, 2014

What's on...your DVR

Today, I'm linking up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for a series post that will occur monthly.  Check out this post to see what you have to look forward to and/or to link up yourself! 

Today's post is all about what's on your DVR.  Before I begin, I need to make a disclaimer.  It's going to appear as if I watch TONS of television, but I really don't.  I watch maybe one or two shows a day; one while I eat breakfast and one while I eat lunch and that's about it. 

Here's a look at my DVR currently.

Ever since Jimmy Fallon became the new host of The Tonight Show, Aaron and I have recorded every episode and he does not disappoint.  He provides just the laugh I need after a stressful day at work.  

We also record movies we want to watch when we have free trials of any of the movie channels with DirecTV, so there are quite a few movies on our DVR.

As for the shows that we watch, Aaron records NCIS and The Big Bang Theory (another favorite of mine).  Since I am gone in the evenings for work, I have a few more shows that I record.  Here's a run down of the shows that I record on a weekly basis.

Sunday: Once Upon a Time, Revenge
Monday: Bones, The Following
Tuesday: Dance Moms (my guilty pleasure)
Wednesday: Law and Order: SVU
Thursday: Grey's Anatomy, Scandal

Other shows that can be found on my DVR throughout the year include The Bachelor/The Bachelorette (my other guilty pleasure), So You Think You Can Dance and The Pioneer Woman.  I also watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

On top of all of that, I have a list of shows that I would like to start watching as well including Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Homeland, Justified, House of Cards, and Mad Men.  We'll see if I ever have time for that though!

What shows do you enjoy watching?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Book Review: Dead Man Walking

“In sorting out my feelings and beliefs, there is, however, one piece of moral ground of which I am absolutely certain: if I were to be murdered I would not want my murderer executed. I would not want my death avenged. Especially by government--which can't be trusted to control its own bureaucrats or collect taxes equitably or fill a pothole, much less decide which of its citizens to kill.”
-Sister Helen Prejean, Dead Man Walking

I don't recall where I first came across this book, but I knew when I saw it that it would be an interesting read so I added it to my 2014 Reading List.  It did not disappoint.  Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean follows Sister Helen as she becomes a spiritual advisor to two men on death row in 1980s Louisiana. Capital punishment is a very controversial topic in our country and this book was very informative and prompted many questions.

Let me begin by stating that I am not entirely certain as to where I stand in terms of capital punishment.  I can see and understand arguments for both sides.  Do I believe in the saying "an eye for an eye"?  No, I do not.  If I had a family member murdered would I want the perpetrator to pay?  Yes, I would.  However, I do not know that I would want them killed.  Often times, I think that spending the remainder of one's life in prison would be a far greater punishment than death.  That being said, I think my opinion would be far different if I were actually experiencing this situation and I pray that I never have to.

One of the main questions I kept asking myself while reading this book was "could I be a spiritual advisor for an individual on death row?"  I finished this book last evening and when I  read the last sentence and closed the book, I sat and thought about this question for a bit.  The answer I came to is no, I could be not be a spiritual advisor for someone on death row.  I think it would be too much of an emotional toll and I also think I would have a hard time getting past knowing the crime they were found guilty of committing.  I applaud Sister Helen Prejean for her work with the two individuals she counseled and their families.  I also applaud her for considering the families of the victims as well.

I would strongly recommend this book regardless of your political stance on capital punishment.  It was an easy read and I learned so much.  I'll leave you with a few quotes and facts.

"That, I believe, is what it's going to take to abolish the death penalty in this country:  we must persuade the American people that government killings are too costly for us, not only financially, but--more important--morally."

"But it's not the presence of television cameras or the composition of the crowd or even whether the crowd acts politely or not that makes the execution of a human being ugly.  An execution is ugly because the premeditated killing of a human being is ugly.  Torture is ugly.  Gassing, hanging, shooting, electrocuting, or lethally injecting a person whose hands and feet are tied is ugly.  And hiding the ugliness from view and rationalizing it numbs our minds to the horror of what we are doing.  This is what truly 'coarsens' us."

The death penalty in Kansas was reinstated in 1994.  Currently, there are nine individuals sentenced to death.  Kansas has not executed anyone since 1965.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy 23rd!

There's another birthday in my family today and since I have already done birthday posts for 50% of my siblings (here and here), it's only right that I do posts for the other 50%.  My other brother turns a whopping 23 years old today!  Unfortunately for him, nothing really exciting happens at the age of 23.  But, it does mean he is two years closer to the age of 25 and the year his car insurance will go down.  My brother is a car/truck/SUV/any kind of vehicle person, so this is kind of a big deal.  Anyways, happy 23rd birthday to my brother Bruce and I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

As you can tell, he doesn't particularly enjoy having his photo taken but I do it anyways!  I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!