Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy 23rd!

There's another birthday in my family today and since I have already done birthday posts for 50% of my siblings (here and here), it's only right that I do posts for the other 50%.  My other brother turns a whopping 23 years old today!  Unfortunately for him, nothing really exciting happens at the age of 23.  But, it does mean he is two years closer to the age of 25 and the year his car insurance will go down.  My brother is a car/truck/SUV/any kind of vehicle person, so this is kind of a big deal.  Anyways, happy 23rd birthday to my brother Bruce and I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

As you can tell, he doesn't particularly enjoy having his photo taken but I do it anyways!  I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

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