Monday, April 14, 2014

What's on...your DVR

Today, I'm linking up with Andrea over at Momfessionals for a series post that will occur monthly.  Check out this post to see what you have to look forward to and/or to link up yourself! 

Today's post is all about what's on your DVR.  Before I begin, I need to make a disclaimer.  It's going to appear as if I watch TONS of television, but I really don't.  I watch maybe one or two shows a day; one while I eat breakfast and one while I eat lunch and that's about it. 

Here's a look at my DVR currently.

Ever since Jimmy Fallon became the new host of The Tonight Show, Aaron and I have recorded every episode and he does not disappoint.  He provides just the laugh I need after a stressful day at work.  

We also record movies we want to watch when we have free trials of any of the movie channels with DirecTV, so there are quite a few movies on our DVR.

As for the shows that we watch, Aaron records NCIS and The Big Bang Theory (another favorite of mine).  Since I am gone in the evenings for work, I have a few more shows that I record.  Here's a run down of the shows that I record on a weekly basis.

Sunday: Once Upon a Time, Revenge
Monday: Bones, The Following
Tuesday: Dance Moms (my guilty pleasure)
Wednesday: Law and Order: SVU
Thursday: Grey's Anatomy, Scandal

Other shows that can be found on my DVR throughout the year include The Bachelor/The Bachelorette (my other guilty pleasure), So You Think You Can Dance and The Pioneer Woman.  I also watch Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

On top of all of that, I have a list of shows that I would like to start watching as well including Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Homeland, Justified, House of Cards, and Mad Men.  We'll see if I ever have time for that though!

What shows do you enjoy watching?


  1. Dance moms is my guilty pleasure too haha! I love greys and scandal too! Thanks so much for sharing!
    x Dani

  2. So I totally watched Once Upon a Time at the beginning and then I kind of lost interest... I'm thinking that I may have to get back into it. I also LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Law and Order SVU... I didn't mention it because I thought I'd be the only one! hahaha The last episode???? So stressful!!!

    1. The last episode was very stressful! I love SVU and I really love the marathons on USA! Thanks for the link-up idea...I love it!

  3. I keep hearing so much about scandal! I think I need to give it a try.

    1. You definitely need to give it a shot! I watched the first season on Netflix and was hooked!

  4. Stopping by from the link-up. I stopped watching Revenge after the first episode of this season. It just didn't grab me like it used to. Lately, I have been seeing commercials, and I am thinking I need to start watching it again.

    1. This season hasn't been near as exciting as the past seasons, but I just can't stop watching it! I haven't seen last night's episode yet but it looks like it might be getting juicier!

  5. Justified is SO GOOD! My husband and I are addicted!
