Friday, May 30, 2014

5 on Friday

It's time to link up with The Good Life Blog again for 5 on Friday!

1. I have two new television obsessions which is the last thing I need seeing as I already have WAY too many shows that I watch (see here).  I knocked the first season of Call the Midwife out within a week by watching it on Netflix.  Next thing I knew I was placing a hold on season 2 at the local library and had it finished within another week.  Now I am anxiously awaiting season 3 to come out on DVD.  I usually would only watch Chopped when I couldn't find anything else on and now I can't stop!  I'm justifying my new obsessions by saying Call the Midwife is historical and related to my career while Chopped will help me out in the kitchen.  
Photo courtesy of IMDB

Photo courtesy of The Food Network

2. On my way home from work last night, my phone took the liberty of reminding me that in 3 months I will be a married woman and Aaron will be a married man.  I cannot believe how quickly our engagement has gone and how much I still have left to do.  It seems like I add something to my to-do-list on a daily basis.'s all so exciting!

3. I made this meatball recipe from Mix and Match Mama a few weeks ago and oh my goodness they were delicious!  They even got a stamp of approval from Aaron!  Although, he did inform me it was a good thing I told him there was spinach and pesto in them otherwise he would have thought they were moldy (hehehe!). So easy and so yummy.  You should totally make them!
Photo from Mix and Match Mama

4. I submitted this photo of my mom and sister to the local paper's mother/daughter look alike contest and they didn't win!  I was shocked seeing as I think they look identical and the mother/daughter duo that won looked nothing alike other than they both had purple shirts on.  I'm slightly biased but seriously they should have won.

5. I spent my afternoon yesterday reading, soaking up some sun (this girl is white!), and splashing around in my parent's pool.  You can bet there will be more days like that this summer!

Happy Friday!

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