Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What I Wore Wednesday

Today, I'm linking up again with The Pleated Poppy for WIWW!  Last Friday evening, Aaron and I ventured up to his brother and sister-in-law's restaurant with my parents and youngest brother.  My parents have been talking about making the drive to eat there since we started dating and it finally happened!  Anyways, it gave me another occasion to get out of my scrubs and sweats and into something only slightly fancier.
Please excuse my basket full of laundry in the background.  Shirt from TJ Maxx similar option found here, tank from J. Crew here, shorts from J. Crew Factory here, earrings here

I absolutely love J. Crew's chino shorts and would probably buy a pair in every single color if I had an unlimited bank account but I don't so you will continue to see me rotating out the three pairs I do own :).

On a completely different note, the month of May seems as if it has flown by!  I can't believe it!  I know they say the older you get the faster time goes, but this idea really didn't resonate with me until I graduated from nursing school and stepped into the real world last May.  It is so hard to believe I have been a registered nurse for one whole year and that our wedding is just three months away.  Absolute craziness y'all!

Anyways, I hope you have an excellent Wednesday!

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