Thursday, June 5, 2014

What I Read Last Month

I'm going to change things up a little bit and start doing a monthly post on the books that I have read for that month.  Here are the books from my 2014 Reading List that I read during the month of May!

The Silver Star by Jeannette Walls

I absolutely loved Glass Castle and I knew I wanted to read Jeannette Walls' other books.  The Silver Star was definitely five stars!  This is actually her only fiction novel but the quality of writing was very similar to Glass Castle.  Next up is Half Broke Horses!

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

This was the May book for Bon's Book Club and it was another favorite!  The love story between Tom and Isabel was beautiful, their inability to have a child was heartbreaking, and Tom's struggle with raising a daughter who was not his own made you think long and hard.  The whole story was magnificent and I highly recommend it!

Nurses in War: Voices from Iraq and Afghanistan by Elizabeth Scannell-Desch and Mary Ellen Doherty

This was probably the most difficult book that I have read this year.  Not because it was hard to read, but because the stories were real experiences of war.  This book was recommended to me by one of my nursing school professors  and I'm so glad I took her up on the recommendation.  I learned so much about being deployed as a nurse in the military.  Here is your fun fact for the day: I had all of my paperwork in to join the Navy as a nurse and then I met Aaron.  I wasn't tied down at the time, I wanted adventure, and I loved the idea of serving my country.  When I met Aaron, a new adventure began and I decided to serve my country by taking care of our veterans.  Anyways, I would highly recommend this book to any nurse.  It is a compilation of stories that were told by a group of nurses from all branches of the military who were a part of a phenomenological study.  It talks about being deployed, the tragedies of war, their living conditions, being away from family, hygiene, and just about every other topic you could think of.

There you have it!

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