Monday, June 30, 2014

Home Tour

As I stated in this post last week, we took our next step into adulthood and bought a house.  I also noted that it needs a lot of work.  We knew what we were getting ourselves into but that hasn't decreased our stress levels any in terms of what all we need to get done.

Now that the ceilings have been scraped and most of the holes in the walls filled in, we moved on to the floors.  I cannot even begin to tell you how sore my hands are from pulling staples for multiple hours this weekend.  The good news is we are nearly done.  All of the carpet and foam padding has been pulled and we have two more rooms left to pull staples in then we will move on to the kitchen and bathroom.  I cannot wait to get the nasty linoleum up off the floor.

This week we plan on finishing up the floors, starting to paint the walls and baseboards and hopefully get all of the ceilings washed and ready to be finished.

Now for the home tour!
Check out those lovely floors and keep in mind the sink is avocado colored as well!

I love the size of this kitchen and cannot wait to see it when we are done with all of the updates!
I apologize for the poor lighting but this is looking into the dining area from the living room.

The living room has a wonderful natural lighting thanks to the big front window.
That cabinet will be going sometime this week and if you look closely you can see the lovely pink linoleum.
And this light fixture will also be going.
Gotta love the pink tiling!
Master bedroom
Bedroom #2
Bedroom #3

I'll keep everyone posted on our updates and can't wait to share before and after photos!

What are your home remodeling tips?

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