Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wedding Weekend

What a weekend I had!  Friday evening we met with the priest who will be officiating our wedding ceremony and I had no idea how much paperwork I would have to fill out.  On one questionnaire it asked if I was aware of any relation to the groom and also whether I felt I was being forced into the marriage.  I jokingly told Aaron I thought about putting yes to both; in the small town of Seneca, it seems almost everyone is related somehow, so I always tell Aaron he was lucky to find somebody from a different city.
Here is the church that the wedding this weekend was in and the church we will be getting married in.  It is quite beautiful.
After our meeting we headed to the rehearsal for our friends who got hitched this weekend.  I don't think you could find a more entertaining couple.  In fact, they were the ones who introduced Aaron and I at a Royals game and now look at us!  The rehearsal was full of laughter and love and turned out to be just a preview to what would end up being a beautiful wedding day.  
My hair for the wedding--I absolutely loved it!
It began with a very early start to the day.  I was up at 6:00 in the morning to go get my hair done and drove up on the most beautiful sunrise.  The steeple of the church above looked just magnificent and I wish I would have captured a photo.  Once we were all ready it was time for pictures, lunch and then the ceremony.  Following the ceremony, the bridesmaids, the bride, and a few groomsmen changed into their dancing shoes for the evening--cowboy boots.  The day flew by and lots of laughter, sunlight, wonderful weather, family, friends, and dancing added up to a pretty darn good time!  I can only hope my wedding day goes as smoothly.

The beautiful bride, Jo, and I.
My future groom and I :D

My dancing shoes for the evening.   These were a Christmas present from Aaron last year and this was the first time I wore them.  He gave me a hard time for it but I told him a city girl has to have an occasion to wear boots.

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