Friday, September 6, 2013


It's Friday and thank goodness for that!  I think that is how most people who work in the real world feel on this lovely afternoon.  Being a nurse, especially a new nurse, my weekends off are few and far between.  In fact, I do not have a weekend off until September 21st and that is because I requested it off since one of my dear friends just so happens to be getting hitched that day. Sadly, it isn't even a full weekend because I work the Sunday after.

Here's how I got asked to be a part of her big day.  Pretty cute and, in my opinion, you cannot go wrong with a bottle of Moscato! :)

When I graduated, I knew I wanted to continue to work with the geriatric population (I love old folks), and a position opened up on the unit I wanted so I took it.  The shift is 3:30 to midnight, which is great since I am a morning person.  I go straight to bed when I get home and then get up at a decent enough time to have most of the day to get everything on my "to do" list checked off.  However, I have come to the conclusion that it sucks in terms of having any sort of normal social interaction.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the people I work with and the patients on my unit, but I also would like to spend an evening having dinner with a friend or spend a Saturday afternoon at a family get together.  My days off generally fall in the middle of the week when those of you who work in the real world spend all day working and want to relax as soon as you get home.  It doesn't help that the future husband and I are on completely opposite schedules, so most of our days consist of a text when we get a chance and a 30 minute phone conversation on my lunch break.  Can you tell I am having a hard time adjusting?

I know I will get used to it eventually and, as always, adjustment takes time, but I am not a very patient person (ask my mother).  For now, I am pushing through and making it work the best that I can.  I love my job and I am thankful and fortunate to have a job at a wonderful hospital working with a population that is near and dear to my heart.

I am so glad that it is Friday for most of you and I hope you have wonderful weekend!

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