Friday, September 13, 2013

America the Beautiful

Many hospitals have a nurse residency program for new nurses to be a part of when they begin their career to help them feel more comfortable in a new setting.  It just so happens that  the hospital I work for has exactly this program.  On Tuesday, I was in class from 7:30 to 4 which meant I had an early start to my two days off.  It felt like an extended weekend and it was so refreshing.

I headed up to Aaron's place in the country with my computer, the first disc of Season 1 of Game of Thrones (my dad has been trying to get me hooked), and my book.  My days were pretty quiet since Aaron was at work but I enjoyed my time nonetheless.  

I was able to make some headway in my book, We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver.  It's the December book club choice but it was available at the library so I snagged it and it's proving to be very good.  The rest of my time was spent indulging in House Hunters on HGTV, making dinner, doing dishes, and wedding planning.  On Wednesday, I took a stroll through the pasture and captured the image below.

Wednesday was a day that brings back so many memories of heartache for the people of our country.  I remember sitting in my 7th grade gifted classroom when another teacher came in and said the World Trade Center had been attacked as she turned on the television.  I had no idea what the World Trade Center was, but what I saw on the news that morning is a moment that is forever etched in my mind.  My heart hurts for the lives that were lost and the lives that were forever altered by that senseless act of terrorism.

That being said, I think the way our country came together on that day and continues to do so in times of despair shows the world what we are capable of.  For us as Americans, that day was not about political parties, religion, or race.  That day we were human beings who hurt for each other and helped those in need despite our differences beliefs.  We can argue day in and day out about gun control, healthcare, and taxes, but in times of need we are there for each other.

I am proud to be an American citizen and stand up for what I believe in.  I commend each and every individual who fights for our country.  I am proud to be the cousin, grand-daughter, niece, and friend of members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines.  I am proud to work at a veteran's hospital and give back to those who have given up so much for me to be able to feel safe.  God bless the U.S.A. and may we never forget how blessed we are.

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