Friday, March 28, 2014

Book Review: Reconstructing Amelia

"Everyone has beacons.  Lights that guide them home."
-Kimberly McCreight

I have been a reading machine this past week and a half!  I finished up Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern last week (book review will take place next month with Bon's Book Club) and last night I finished reading Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight.  Both were excellent reads and books on my 2014 Reading List.

I could not put Reconstructing Amelia down.  It was a riveting and sad story about a single mother whose daughter is found dead after being caught cheating on her English paper.  According to the initial investigation, Amelia jumped.  Then, in the weeks following her death, her mother receives a text saying "Amelia didn't jump."  Kate knows that deep down she has known this all along, but it launches an investigation into the life of Amelia, the private school she attends, and the secret clubs within that private school.

Kimberly McCreight did a fantastic job of demonstrating the impact social media has on our society, particularly teenagers, in this day and age.  Also, I found the relationship between Kate and Amelia heart-warming.  Their mother-daughter bond reminded me of Lorelai and Rory's bond in Gilmore Girls.

I would highly recommend this book!  Next up on my list is Dead Man Walking by Sister Helen Prejean. Have an excellent weekend!


  1. Hey did you buy this book? If so I'd love to borrow it! It sounds good! If not, I'll just buy it :)


  2. No, I checked it out from the library. Sorry! But I do think you would enjoy it!

  3. Just finished it, soooo good!
