Friday, March 14, 2014

Life Lately

As I mentioned in one of my posts last week, I haven't felt the greatest over the past few weeks.  The good news is I have had three very good days, so I should be back in full swing next week and it's going to be a blogging bonanza!  I had a request for a Wednesday Wedding Update so you can bet there will be one of those.  In the meantime, I have a few pictures to update you on what we have been up to lately.

Last weekend was both busy and relaxing.  Saturday morning, we ventured to Chapman with my mom and sister to visit my grandma.  My grandpa was sick otherwise he would have been in on the visit as well.  
Love this woman to pieces.  Three generations here folks.

Later that evening, we went to Kiku with Ryan's family to celebrate my other grandma's birthday.  I love the vibe and excitement at Hibachi restaurants and the food is always wonderful.  My aunt and uncle currently have a foreign exchange student from Denmark and it was her first time at a Hibachi restaurant and I think she really enjoyed it.

Sunday was a day filled with relaxation and cleaning.  It was a beautiful day so Aaron and I ventured to the nearby lake to walk the trails.  The wind was a little more brisk than I thought, but we had fun nonetheless.

Love this man.  Also, one of the few times he has worn tennis shoes instead of boots.

Tuesday, I spent the morning before work at my mom and Ryan's.  She was home with a migraine and I still wasn't feeling very well and the little cutie below was quite the cuddler.
My puppy niece, Marley.

On Wednesday I worked day shift so Aaron and I headed North to his parent's house to see his niece and nephews who are in town from Minnesota.  On our way, he took me by the Shoe Tree.  It stands near Wetmore, Kansas and the owner started putting shoes on it in 1985.  Crazy!

I work this weekend, but we are heading up to Aaron's parent's house again tonight to see his niece and nephews before they head back to frigid temps.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

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