Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I’ve moved my fair share throughout my lifetime; I was born in Manhattan, moved to Great Bend, moved to Topeka, moved north of Topeka, moved to Pittsburg, moved back to Topeka, etc.  All in all, I think I have lived in 14 different places in my mere 24 years.  This week will mark the beginning of my life on my own.  Sure I lived on my own when I was in college, but my sophomore and junior year were spent in my sorority house and my senior year I lived with seven of my close friends and I always came home during the summer.  Then, while going to nursing school, I opted to continue to live at home for financial purposes.  While I have enjoyed my time with my parents and siblings, I am ready to have my own place, my own kitchen, and most of all do my own decorating.  However, I’ve made a list of the things I know I will miss the most.
  • My mom--she's my best friend (second to Aaron of course) and my go to person for just about everything, particularly shopping
  • Grocery shopping with my mom--it's so much nicer when you have someone to talk to while doing this dreaded task
  • The constant socialization--there is almost always someone else home to talk to
  • Not having bills to pay--this one I will miss TREMENDOUSLY
  • Our neighborhood--it's so peaceful and friendly and is the perfect place to go on a walk
  • Being close to a Target--now it will be 35 miles away which will make it difficult to justify a "Target run"
I know I am ready to begin this adventure and can't wait to continue with each step of my new life with Aaron.  It is all a part of the fairy tale.

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