Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Favorites

Oh my goodness I think packing is one of my least favorite things to do.  You would think I would be an experienced packer having moved so many times, but I still have not quite gotten the hang of it.  I have decided packing should be considered an art and some people are just more talented than others.   So that's what I have been up to this past week and why this here blog has not been updated.  However, I am about to fix that.

Today I am introducing another topic for me to write about with another lovely alliteration as the title (I promise I have only a few more of those- I just can't pass up a good alliteration).  This week's "Friday Favorites" is going to center around Halloween and my favorite things about this spooky holiday.

Somehow my schedule worked out so that I have Halloween off and I could not be more thrilled.  Trick-or-treating used to be so much fun, but, seeing as I am a childless adult, it is no longer appropriate for me to partake in the tricking and the treating.  My current plans are to sit on my couch and watch my all-time favorite Halloween movie while drinking a favorite beverage and indulging in a favorite snack.  I will only leave the couch if my doorbell rings because I so enjoy all the little trick-or-treaters and their adorable costumes (I'm hoping we have trick-or-treaters at our new place).

So here we go.  My all-time favorite Halloween movie is...

Hocus Pocus!  I could watch this movie every Halloween for the rest of my days and I don't think it would get old.  Runners-up include Casper and Halloweentown.  Basically, ABC Family's 13 Nights of Halloween is my definition of good spooky television.

Now, my snack and beverage of choice are:

Candy corn and apple cider.  In my opinion, you can't go wrong with either of these.  Apple cider is something I could drink all year long, but I only eat candy corn during the fall; I just don't think it is suitable any other time.

My Halloween plans are set and I cannot be more excited! I hope your Halloween night is spooktacular! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Wedding Update

I'm starting something new to facilitate my writing for this here blog.  I know I have very few readers, but my intention is to keep the few I have around by coming up with interesting writing topics.  Today I introduce you to the "Wednesday Wedding Update."  I know you are just living my nice alliteration there :).  Anyways, since my blog centers around my life and my upcoming nuptials are currently a large part of my life, I figured I would keep you all in the loop about the planning that is going on.

The weekend we got engaged, I was ready to get going and those first few weeks I think I was more productive than I was while I was in nursing school.  We created our very exclusive guest list (kidding, of course-but you should feel privileged if you get an invitation), we nailed down a date, and the location of our ceremony.  The week after we got engaged, I researched all sorts of venues for the reception and by the end of August, we had our reception venue booked.  While attending one of Aaron's cousin's weddings this summer, we came across a DJ that we both really enjoyed so we got that booked as well.

At this moment in time, I know there is still a lot to get done but I am kind of in a lull.  I need to get back in the swing of things, so I have made a list of what I still need to accomplish.

To Do:

  • Food-this has proven to be the single most difficult task and I still have not comprehended how expensive it is going to be
  • Save-the-dates, invitations, programs
  • Cake
  • Honeymoon
  • Bridesmaid dresses/shoes
  • Flower girl dress
  • Tuxes
  • Ring bearer outfits
  • Decorations
  • Alcohol
  • Much, much more
It's quite extensive but, thankfully, we still have plenty of time to plan.  That being said, I have heard from some very credible sources that the planning time flies.  In a few weeks we have our engagement photo session and I cannot wait to share those with you.  Stay tuned to hear about our progress!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

What a busy weekend I had full of all kinds of fun stuff.  I can check another item off of my fall to-do list. On Saturday, I woke up bright and early after getting off of work at midnight and headed up to Aaron's house to take off to Manhattan for the K-State football game.  

Now, before I delve any further, let me explain myself.  I am a University of Kansas fan through and through. It is my alma mater and I will forever be a Jayhawk, much to my future husband's dismay.  That being said, Aaron is a Kansas State University fan and will forever be a Wildcat.  It's challenging, but I love him despite his faults.  Anyways, Aaron is a season ticket holder for K-State football and, being the good Kansas girl and fiance that I am, I was more than willing to attend a KSU football game and cheer for them because they are another Kansas school.  I even wore purple.  However, never will I ever be caught dead rooting for the Wildcats when they play my Jayhawks.  I bleed crimson and blue.

So, on Saturday, we headed to Manhattan to tailgate with some friends, eat some BBQ, and watch some football.  It was my first game of the season because I have worked on every other game day and what a beautiful day for football.  The weather was perfect and the crowd was wild.  It was Harley day at Bill Snyder Family Stadium and while they were riding on the field, one of the driver's had fans in the stadium hold up signs and he proposed to his girlfriend; it was super sweet.  Despite their loss, I still had a glorious time.  By the time we got back to town, I was starving so we headed into Aaron's brother's restaurant and enjoyed some grub before heading home. 
My man and I before the game.

The view of the field from our seats.  There were over 50,000 people at the game!

Checking out the stats on the jumbotron.  Ain't he handsome ;)
On Sunday, we met up with one of Aaron's friends for lunch and then headed over to the farm.  Aaron was working on the combine while I enjoyed some quality time with my future mother-in-law chatting and reading magazines while watching the Chiefs win their sixth game in a row!  Then around 5:45, we headed over to the church for their annual soup supper.  

Now, I'm new to the small town churches, but man do those folks come together for their events.  I attended last year as well and the food is delectable, the company is excellent, the games are fun, and the auction items are superb.  So much work goes into putting it together and it is well worth it.  I had myself a bowl of chicken noodle soup, a hotdog sans the chili, and the best slice of peach pie ever before heading over to the gym to have some fun.  

It was a busy, but fun, weekend and now I am rested up and ready to begin this work week.  Hope you all had a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Pumpkin Pumpkin

I love pumpkin!  In fact, I may have a mild obsession with pumpkin.  While reading one of the many blogs I follow earlier this week, I stumbled upon a recipe for pumpkin bread with cinnamon streusel topping.  It sounded heavenly and, let me tell you, it was.  Here is a link to the blog post I read and here is the link to the recipe.  I left out the pepitas because I honestly had no clue what they were.  It said you could substitute pecans or walnuts for the pepitas, but, quite frankly, I am not a fan of nuts in my food.  The bread was still delectable don't worry.
Thankfully, I had all of the ingredients on hand.  Thanks mom for stocking up on pumpkin!

I love the beautiful orange color of pumpkin.  It just makes me smile.

Holy yummy goodness!  I had two piece of this stuff and I don't regret it one bit.
While it was baking, I decided to sit back, relax, and escape into my current piece of literature, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  I had read A Thousand Splendid Suns a month or so ago and loved it.  The writing style is superb and both stories provide an excellent insight into life in Afghanistan.  I encourage you all to pick up a copy.  Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I’ve moved my fair share throughout my lifetime; I was born in Manhattan, moved to Great Bend, moved to Topeka, moved north of Topeka, moved to Pittsburg, moved back to Topeka, etc.  All in all, I think I have lived in 14 different places in my mere 24 years.  This week will mark the beginning of my life on my own.  Sure I lived on my own when I was in college, but my sophomore and junior year were spent in my sorority house and my senior year I lived with seven of my close friends and I always came home during the summer.  Then, while going to nursing school, I opted to continue to live at home for financial purposes.  While I have enjoyed my time with my parents and siblings, I am ready to have my own place, my own kitchen, and most of all do my own decorating.  However, I’ve made a list of the things I know I will miss the most.
  • My mom--she's my best friend (second to Aaron of course) and my go to person for just about everything, particularly shopping
  • Grocery shopping with my mom--it's so much nicer when you have someone to talk to while doing this dreaded task
  • The constant socialization--there is almost always someone else home to talk to
  • Not having bills to pay--this one I will miss TREMENDOUSLY
  • Our neighborhood--it's so peaceful and friendly and is the perfect place to go on a walk
  • Being close to a Target--now it will be 35 miles away which will make it difficult to justify a "Target run"
I know I am ready to begin this adventure and can't wait to continue with each step of my new life with Aaron.  It is all a part of the fairy tale.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Found on Pinterest here

October is my favorite month.  It doesn't consist of any birthdays, anniversaries, or gift-giving holidays for me but it is a part of autumn.  It is full of beautiful colors and scrumptious foods.  It is the tenth month and ten is my favorite number.  It means Christmas is just around the corner (I need to do my shopping!).  It means cool nights, warm fires, jeans and sweatshirts.  It means dressing up as goblins or witches and going trick-or-treating.  It means a bowl full of candy corn while watching Hocus Pocus.  There is nothing I do not love about this month.  I leave you with this poem by Bobbi Katz.


October is
when night guzzles up
the orange sherbet sunset
and sends the day
to bed
before supper.

-Bobbi Katz