Monday, August 4, 2014

One Year Ago

One year ago this past Saturday, I said "yes" when Aaron asked me if I would marry him.  We were taking a walk in the pasture behind his grandparent's old house prior to our three hour drive to Omaha for one last weekend getaway before I started working evenings full time.  I was blabbing on about who knows what when he dropped to one knee.  I don't quite remember what all happened from there but I do know I said yes and jumped up in his arms. We strolled back to the house newly engaged and began calling our families before beginning our weekend.

The rest of the weekend was spent calling more family and friends, eating at fabulous restaurants, exploring downtown Omaha, and going to the zoo.

Fast forward to today and we are 26 days away from saying "I do," completely moved in to our new house (there is still a lot of organizing to do), and getting ready to embark on our first trip to Europe together.

Being engaged has been wonderful, but I know we are both ready to start our lives as a married couple.  Here's to the beginning of wedding month!

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