Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Terrible Horrible No Good Wednesday

It started out like any other day.  I woke up around 8:00, stayed in bed for a little while reading blogs and checking other social media, then went out to watch the Dance Moms episode from last night.  After the show ended, I decided to take a shower and get ready to leave for Topeka. 

You see, we had a going away party for one of my co-workers last evening and I made this delicious Greek Tortellini Salad (try it now!).  However, the grocery stores in my little town did not have cheese tortellini, so I was planning on gathering my ingredients and going to the grocery store in Topeka prior to finishing my salad at my parent's house.  I also had a dentist appointment at 1:30, so I needed to leave extra early.

When I got out of the shower, I remembered I had left my make-up bag with my moisturizer and deoderant in my car.  I had gotten ready for work at my parent's house on Tuesday because I utilized their pool to catch some rays.  My mother says I am paler than a ghost and need to lay out before my wedding in 23 days and I listen to my mother.  So, I threw on a swimsuit cover-up that I sleep in sometimes and traipsed to the garage to grab the rest of my getting ready essentials.

I stepped onto the cement closing the door behind me and immediately one word came to mind that is not appropriate for the blogging world.  I locked myself out of our house wearing ONLY a swimsuit cover up and lacking my cell phone.

Our doors at our new home lock automatically if the push lock is pushed in but still open from the inside; something I have obviously not gotten used to yet.  Panic set in as I tried to come up with my game plan.  Nobody would be home for hours and I had to be in Topeka by at least noon.  Aaron was out of town for training.  I didn't have a phone to call my parents.  I began freaking out before coming to the conclusion that my only option was to go to my new neighbor's house and ask to use their phone.

Thankfully, the female caretaker of one of my neighbors was home and allowed me to call my mom who agreed to leave work to come assist me.  She's my hero.  I made it to town on time, made my delicious salad, and went to the dentist.  I survived, despite my completely mortifying experience.

Moral of the story: never ever leave your house without undergarments, your keys, or your cell phone and always keep a spare key somewhere handy.

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