Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Fail

If you recall my post last week, I had every intention of indulging in a few of my favorites yesterday to celebrate All Hallows Eve.  Well, a few things went awry and my Halloween night was not near what I had planned.

This past weekend we moved into our new house and we are still not completely unpacked; the complete lack of organization is quite disturbing to me.   As it turned out, we could not get our cable hooked up until today.  My immediate thought when I was told this was there goes watching Hocus Pocus, but my sweet fiance suggested we go buy the movie.  So, we had a shopping trip yesterday in Kansas City and Topeka and went to Target and Wal-mart--they both let me down.  I could not find a SINGLE copy of Hocus Pocus. I got discouraged and said we should just go home so we were there in time for trick-or-treaters and find another scary movie to watch.

Now, we finally decided on watching What Lies Beneath (pretty spooky) and I was in the process of making dinner and dessert anxiously awaiting the sound of our doorbell.  After we had eaten and I noticed it was nearing 8 o'clock, I became very very sad.  Not one trick-or-treater came to our house!

So, it was not quite the Halloween I had hoped for, but I did get to drink my apple cider, cuddle on the couch with the man and my eyes half covered by a blanket, and eat a tasty treat.  However, I opted for the homemade apple dumplings I had made earlier rather than candy corn (I may have opened my box earlier this week and eaten it...oops!).  Hope everyone stayed safe, warm and got lots of candy last night and if you need more come to my house--there is a whole bowl full. 

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