Monday, November 25, 2013

Frigid Weekend Tales

Frigid, freezing, frozen, cold, hypothermic, chilly, frosty, numb, gelid.  All of these words and many more could be used to describe how we spent our Saturday tailgating for and attending the K-State game.  I'm not entirely sure what the actual high was, but it could not have been more than 25 degrees and to top that cozy temperature off, there was a lovely breeze.  Bless Aaron's heart for putting up with me that day because I was not the happiest of campers.  You see, I had worked the night before, gotten home at 12:40 and woke up at 7:00 to make myself presentable.  Due to the weather, my outfit was far from a fashion statement.  So, not only did he have his hands full with me being freezing (my favorite statement is "I'm cold" when it's 60 degrees so imagine me in 20 degree weather), I was a teensy bit tired as well.  We still ended up having a good time and it was a very good game despite their loss to Oklahoma (a state I hate strongly dislike).
Eric Stonestreet was at the game on Saturday.  Excuse my poor paparazzi skills but he is the one in the black jacket and purple hat standing to the left of the cameraman.
When we left the game, we met up with Aaron's aunt, uncle, and cousins for dinner at a local bar and grill. My stomach had never been so happy to have chicken fingers and french fries-I was starving!  After dinner, we headed back to Topeka to see Catching Fire.  We had every intention of going to the 7:00 or 7:30 showing, but when we got there at 6:35, the earliest showing that hadn't sold out was at 9:00.  The movie was SO good and stayed fairly true to the book.  I'm not sure I can wait for movie number three!

On Sunday, I drove to Topeka to meet my mom, aunt, grandma, and my aunt's mom for the CASA Home for the Holidays Tour.  Residents of Topeka open up their homes to be decorated by local designers for the holidays and then the homes are available for touring.  The tickets are reasonably priced and the money goes to a great local cause.  We had an excellent time and it was a great way to get everyone in the holiday spirit!  The rest of our Sunday was spent doing some Christmas shopping.  Hope you all had a great weekend and are preparing your stomachs for the Thanksgiving feast that will be here in a few short days!

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