Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What I Read Last Month

It's been so long since I've done a post on what I've read recently and that's mainly because I didn't pick up a book for nearly one month.  One month!  I don't think I've gone that long without reading in a long long time.
The first book I read took a while to get through because it was non-fiction and there was a lot of information about culture.  The second book I read in a total of two days.
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman
This book was a recommendation from one of my professors in nursing school and I am so glad I read it.  It tells the true story of a young Hmong girl suffering from epilepsy and the clash of two cultures; the Hmong culture and western medicine.  If you work in the healthcare field, I would strongly encourage you to read this book.  There were a few chapters I could have skipped that went into far more detail than I thought necessary, but I learned so much.
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
This was the September choice for Bon's Book Club and it was such an easy read.  From what I've read, the book has received mixed reviews, but I thought it was good.  Not great, but good.  It tells the love story of two high schoolers from different backgrounds.  Was it plausible? Probably not, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Next up from my 2014 Reading List is Z by Therese Anne Fowler!

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