Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

In order to give you a little update on what's going on in our neck of the woods, I decided to link up for What's Up Wednesday!

{What we're eating this week...}
I started my "normal" schedule two weeks ago and I love that I'm able to meal prep and go to the grocery store on a regular basis now!  Living a good distance away from a decent grocery store was an issue when I went into work at 3:30 and didn't get off until midnight, but now I can go right after work and come home in time to get dinner on the table.  This week we're having crispy baked lemon chicken, beef with snow peas, my dad's meatloaf, and brats.

{What I'm reminiscing about...}
Last year at this time, we were in the thick of getting everything ready for our wedding and now we have such wonderful memories from that day.

{What I'm loving...}
I can't say this enough, but I am loving working Monday through Friday and being home in the evening time!

{What we've been up to...}
We've been painting door frames, installing new doors, and starting to landscape!  When we moved into our home, the baseboards and door frames were a very dark wood.  We tore out all of the baseboards and replaced them with new white ones.  Now, we're painting the door frames white and installing white doors.  Our home also seriously lacked in the landscape department.  At the end of May, we had dirt brought in to level our ground around the house and we've just now gotten around to laying the landscaping stones.

{What I'm dreading...}
Finishing painting the closet door frames and the window frames.  We also have a company coming out to give us a quote on new siding and windows and I may faint at the cost :/.

{What I'm working on...}
Decorating our new bookshelves and finishing up the decor in our guest room/office.  I've also started my Christmas shopping!

{What I'm excited about...}
If you haven't heard, my younger sister is having a baby I'm going to be an aunt to a precious little girl in a few months and I can't wait!  I'm in the process of planning my sister's baby shower and I promise to share the details after we have it!

{What I'm watching/reading...}
I'm currently reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn.  I finished Defending Jacob by William Landay a few weeks ago and loved it!  Check out my 2015 Reading List!  The season finale of Game of Thrones was last weekend and was anyone else heartbroken!?  I won't spoil it for anyone, but I was very sad.  I've been watching the new show on ABC called The Whispers and it has reeled me in!

{What I'm listening to...}
The Disney's Tarzan station on Pandora is my go to right now!  I also love the new song Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon.  If you haven't seen the video below, you need to watch it!

{What I'm wearing...}
No more scrubs!

{What I'm doing this weekend...}
One of my very dear friends from KU is getting married this weekend and I can't wait for the festivities, dancing, and seeing all of my friends!  It just so happens she was also the one to catch my bouquet at our reception :).

{What I'm looking forward to next month...}
Our vacation to Seattle is next month and I cannot wait.  We have so many fun things planned that I'll share in a post when we get back.  Check out how we chose Seattle here!

{What else is new...}
Not a whole lot is going on in our neck of the woods that I haven't already shared :).

{What I'm doing for the 4th of July...}
This is still up in the air, but I'm sure we'll be watching lots of fireworks!

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