Thursday, January 15, 2015

Our Big Day Part III: Bus Ride

Things have been busy around our house.  We have a dishwasher on the way {HALLELUJAH!}, baseboards ordered {FINALLY!}, and we're in the process of finally getting our window treatments ordered.  It's become evident that we are procrastinators when it comes to getting things done.  I'm finally getting around to blogging the {almost} last installment about our wedding day!  To prevent everyone from overload, I've decided to split the posts about the bus ride and our reception.  You'll thank me later :).  

Anyways, after our ceremony, the wedding party hopped on a party bus bound for Topeka with a few stops along the way to snap some photos.

Our last stop before arriving at Heritage Hall was the State Capitol.  Well, if you have ever been on a party bus, you are aware that drinking is typically involved.  Our wedding party was not the exception and, as it turned out, a few individuals may have had a few too many drinks.  Aaron and I had just finished taking pictures and were on our way back to the bus when we saw a police car speeding into the circle drive.  Cue my heart racing.

We got down to the bus and the capitol police were speaking with a few of the groomsmen.  I boarded the bus unaware of what was going on and the issue continued to be unresolved.  Cue me being VERY angry.  As it turns out, the officer stated they had footage of a man relieving his bladder on the building.  They were unable to identify the specific person and finally someone confessed and we went on our merry way.

Looking back, it is a hilarious memory from our wedding day {particularly if you know my political views}, but at the time I didn't think anything worse could have happened.

Next week I will have the fourth and final post up all about our fantastic reception!

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