Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday Wedding Update

As I write this, my anxiety level is building slightly.  37 days until our big day y'all!  Every time I sit down and think "things are going so smoothly" and "we don't have much left to do," I remember something that needs to be added to my list!  It's a hectic time, but I know everything will come together.

As promised, I have an update on the surprise bridal shower my wonderful co-workers threw for me.  It was such a sweet surprise and completely unexpected!  There was fabulous food, a beautiful cake, tasty punch, gifts, and my co-workers who were off that day even came in to celebrate!  I truly work with a great group of nurses.
The beautiful cake made by one of my coworker's daughter.  She incorporated our colors and flowers!

This punch was SOOOOO yummy!

I love these pillow cases!  A wonderful reminder to Aaron ;).
Opening one of my gifts.
One of my coworkers is studying art and she painted this beautiful painting for Aaron and I.  I cannot wait to hang it in our dining room.  This is one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received!

Now back to preparing for the busy week we have getting moved in to our new home!  You can read about my last move here.  Happy Wednesday!

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