Friday, January 24, 2014

101 things in 1001 days

I first came across this idea while reading my friend Katie's blog lovehealcook.  I googled the idea and it led me to the Day Zero Project.  After exploring a bit, I decided to make my own list and here it is!
Image from
Start date: January 24, 2014
End date: October 21, 2016
  1. Get married
  2. Put a stamp on my passport
  3. Run a 5K
  4. Buy my first car
  5. Get my master's degree
  6. Have a baby
  7. Add at least three more states to the places I've been
  8. Take one picture a day for one year
  9. See Celine Dion in concert
  10. Go to another show on Broadway
  11. Make 3 DIY projects I have pinned on Pinterest
  12. Have a Harry Potter move marathon in one day
  13. Go to a drive-in movie
  14. Learn sign language
  15. Spend an entire day with Aaron planting or combining
  16. Visit Monument Rocks in Kansas
  17. Go to a Chiefs football game
  18. Teach either a CNA course or be an adjunct for a nursing school
  19. Read 100 books
  20. Spend a weekend camping with Aaron
  21. Take a trip somewhere with my mom
  22. Take a trip somewhere with my dad
  23. Sleep under the stars
  24. Buy or build a house
  25. Write down something I am thankful for every day for one year
  26. Go on a picnic
  27. See 10 classic movies I have never seen
  28. Host a dinner party
  29. Learn to crochet or knit
  30. Take an exercise class
  31. Learn how to curl my own hair
  32. Spend a day with my sisters
  33. Adopt a puppy
  34. Go to a KU basketball game
  35. Buy a DSLR camera
  36. Find a way to like peppers
  37. Hold a plank for 1.5 minutes
  38. Write a letter to myself to open in 5 years
  39. Recreate 5 outfits I have pinned on Pinterest
  40. Pick apples in an orchard
  41. Have a girls weekend with my roommates from college
  42. Visit five museums
  43. Watch every movie that has won Best Picture at the Academy Awards
  44. Cook my way through at least one of my Pioneer Woman cookbooks
  45. Grow my blog
  46. Volunteer
  47. Eat Stroud's fried chicken
  48. Revisit every house I have lived in
  49. Attend the Kansas State Fair
  50. Make a gingerbread house
  51. Tour the Kansas capitol
  52. Take a spontaneous road trip
  53. Go to the Louisburg Cider Mill
  54. Put together a puzzle
  55. Visit Mushroom Rock State Park
  56. Get a manicure and pedicure
  57. Find a hot tea that I like
  58. Visit Wilson Lake
  59. Make sangria
  60. Grow my own herbs
  61. Find a TV series for Aaron and I to watch together
  62. Read Pride and Prejudice
  63. Bake donuts
  64. Go to Schlitterbahn in KC
  65. Watch every season of Dawson's Creek again
  66. Have a summer BBQ
  67. Write three love letters
  68. Participate in the Walk to End Alzheimer's
  69. Throw a surprise party
  70. Try spaghetti squash
  71. Put together a scrapbook of my dancing days
  72. Write our love story
  73. Create my own recipe
  74. Donate stuff to Goodwill
  75. Watch 3 documentaries
  76. Visit a baseball stadium I haven't been to
  77. Find my signature scent
  78. Make a scarf
  79. Spend an afternoon reading at the park
  80. Go one month without chocolate
  81. See a ballet
  82. Make an apple pie completely from scratch
  83. Go to one of those paint and wine places
  84. Make something at a pottery place
  85. Try 10 new restaurants
  86. Send out Christmas cards
  87. Blog every day (excluding weekends) for one month
  88. Buy an old fashioned bike
  89. Be asked to guest blog
  90. Have a date night at least once a month for an entire year
  91. Professionally redesign my blog
  92. Buy something from a flea market
  93. Have all of my Christmas shopping done before December at least once
  94. Take a photography class
  95. Go ice skating
  96. Read the Bible at least once a week for one year
  97. Go to a First Friday in Topeka
  98. Take a picture in a Sunflower field
  99. Have a guest blogger
  100. Adopt a family at Christmas
  101. Put $10 in savings for every task completed
I'll be sure to document my progress.  Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So excited to see what all you accomplish, too :)
