Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What I Read Last Month

Obviously I'm not doing so swell with #5 on my goals for 2015 {c'est la vie!}.  It's not that our lives have been crazy hectic lately, I think I've just gone into my winter hibernation and that involves reading a lot, putting together puzzles, and watching quality {or not so quality} television.  Let's talk about the books!

I managed to read five books from my 2015 Reading List during the month of January and I thought I'd share my thoughts about each of them with you all.

This book had been sitting on my bookshelf untouched for many years.  With all of the packing and moving we recently went through, I decided it was time to read some of the untouched books and decide if I wanted to keep them or not.  Drowning Ruth is the story of a young nurse who is raising her niece after her sister dies in a tragic accident.  Unbeknownst to the reader {unless you read the last chapter first like my mother}, the details of the accident have not been told truthfully.  It was a good story and it kept me interested, but I don't think it's a novel I'll read again.

I vividly remember the Elizabeth Smart case when it was all over national news.  In fact, it's the first kidnapping that I remember comprehending and thinking to myself "this can really happen to anyone."  Her memoir tells the story of her kidnapping and her months spend in captivity.  I think she did an excellent job conveying her emotions and sharing the smallest of details.  She also gives the reader a better understanding of why she didn't reveal herself earlier when she had the opportunity.  It was a very quick read.

I had seen this book a year or so ago on a list of books that you need to see before the movies comes out.   This book was a puzzle to me.  I wasn't sure what I thought of Sutter's character and I didn't like the ending.  But, when I got to thinking about why I didn't like the ending, I realized it was because it was realistic and I wanted the typical happy ending.  Read it and you'll understand what I mean.

I hated this book.  It was so hard to read that I literally had to force myself to sit down and do it simply so I could cross it off my list.  That's all I can say about it.

I loved this book!  I read the orphan train adventure series by Joan Lowery Nixon in elementary school and loved them.  This book was everything I wanted it to be and I finished it in two days.  It tells the story of a woman who traveled from New York to Minnesota following the loss of her family on an orphan train and the contemporary story of a young girl who is in the foster care system.  Their stories collide and it's wonderful.

I'm currently reading Still Alice by Lisa Genova.  It's not on my list, but I wanted to read it before seeing the movie.  Happy Tuesday!