Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Goals for 2015

It's that time of year where everyone makes their list of New Year's resolutions or goals in the hopes of actually sticking to them!  I'll be honest and say I did absolutely terrible on my 2014 goals and I really have no excuse.  I think the only one I kind of accomplished was related to reading.  I did read 25 books, but they weren't necessarily all from my 2014 Reading List.  Oops!

I've compiled a list of goals for this year.  Here's to hoping I do a better job in 2015.  I really can't do much worse :).

1. Complete #8, #25, #90, and #96 on my 101 things in 1001 days list.

2. Meal plan-it makes life so much easier.

3. Read more.  I kind of went on a break from reading this past year with the wedding, moving, and the honeymoon, but I'm hoping to get back to it.

4. Be less stressed.

5. Put together at least 2 blog posts per week

What are your goals for 2015?

1 comment:

  1. I want to read and commit to my blog, too! I am on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram right when I wake up and right before I go to sleep. Perfect time for a book, I say. I really hope you are able to write down something you are thankful for every day! That will be awesome to look back on!
