Monday, September 29, 2014


In an effort to push myself to blog every day for one month (#87 on my 101 things in 1001 days list), I've come up with blogging topics for each day and would love for you to join in!  I'm calling it Blogtober!  Here are the topics for every day in October (excluding weekends).

October 1st-Three random facts about yourself.
October 2nd-Every job you've ever held and which one was your favorite.
October 3rd-The one book you could read again and again.
October 6th-A photograph that you love and the story behind it.
October 7th-Five of your favorite blogs and why you love them.
October 8th-A day in your life including photographs.
October 9th-Your go to outfit when you can't decide what to wear.
October 10th-A memory.
October 13th-Your worst date ever.
October 14th-If you could pick a different career, what would it be?
October 15th-Who is the one celebrity you would like to meet and why?
October 16th-Show us your favorite room in your house.
October 17th-A favorite recipe.
October 20th-Describe where you come from.  Your parents, grandparents, etc.
October 21st-What do you do to relax?
October 22nd-Pick a Disney song that relates to your life and explain why.
October 23rd-A video or article that inspired you.
October 24th-Describe the most adventurous thing you've ever done.
October 27th-Share a project you recently completed.
October 28th-The best advice you've ever received.
October 29th-What are your pet peeves?
October 30th-Five of your all time favorite songs and a memory associated with them.
October 31st-Your favorite Halloween costume.

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