Monday, August 15, 2016

Viva Las Vegas

I've abandoned this here blog for far too long.  Between school, work, vacations, and family, my mind has been a bit preoccupied and my dedication to writing was put completely on the back burner.  That being said, I'm back and ready to share all kinds of exciting stuff with you wonderful people.

First up is a recap of our trip to Las Vegas this past May!  I had never been to Vegas before so we decided to take a weekend trip and, it just so happened, it worked out pretty well since my birthday present was to see Celine Dion in concert!

We arrived on Thursday morning and quickly checked into our hotel, The Palazzo, before setting out to explore.  Lunch was a must and we stumbled upon Yardbird which just so happened to me my favorite meal we had in Vegas.  You must try their biscuits!  After walking around for a while, we came back to our room to rest up before dinner and a show.  We had made reservations at Prime Steakhouse in The Bellagio before our Cirque du Soleil show "O."  The show was amazing!  The acrobatics and diving skills were just mind-blowing!
The view from our hotel room overlooking the Wynn golf course.

The canal inside The Venetian.

On Friday, we rented a car and drove out to the Hoover Dam and then back to Red Rock Canyon.

Friday evening was the night one of my lifelong dreams came true.  We ate dinner at Rao's and then settled in to see one of my all-time favorite singers perform.  For those of you who are Celine fans, her concert was phenomenal!  I was so happy that I was able to check this off of my bucket list.
You'll have to excuse the blurry iPhone photography skills, but here we are all ready to see Celine!

On Saturday, we didn't have any specific plans so we headed out to breakfast at Hash House A Go Go and then made our way down the strip exploring all of the hotels.  Later that evening, we had dinner at Buddy V's and then took a cab down to Fremont Street.  Little did we know there was a free Joan Jett concert that night so it was packed!  We stuck around long enough to watch the light show before heading back to the hotel and getting all packed up for our flight home the next morning.
New York, New York



First, and probably last, time gambling.  I lost $4.75.

It was the perfect amount of time to spend in Vegas!