Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas in NYC

A few weeks ago, Aaron and I left Kansas to see just what Christmastime in New York City was all about.  Upon our arrival, we checked in at our Times Square hotel and then headed out to explore.

We started the evening by going to Top of the Rock for a beautiful view of New York City and Central Park.  It was a little hazy, but our view was still magnificent.

We then made our way to see the tree at Rockefeller Center and it did not disappoint.  There were tons of people there, but the tree itself was just what I had imagined.

Since we had planned our trip over Aaron's birthday, he picked Del Frisco's for dinner and we enjoyed a fabulous meal of steak, scallops, lobster mac & cheese, and asparagus.   After dinner, we made our way back to our hotel where we had a some unexpected excitement.  I was just on the verge of sleep around 11:00pm when I heard someone trying to get into our room.  I immediately jumped out of bed and looked out the peep hole in our door to see a rather unkempt man with an animal stocking hat and rather busy pajama shirt attempting to gain access to our tiny room.  After a call to the front desk and some investigating by the hotel employees, it turned out that the man's room was next to ours and he was very intoxicated/confused.  That being said, it was still difficult for both of us to get a good night's sleep.

Friday morning, we left our little Times Square hotel room for the infamous Plaza Hotel.  We dropped off our bags and headed to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes.  The show did not disappoint!

During the show, Aaron received a call that our room was ready so when the show was over, we decided to walk back to the hotel to see our room.  Little did we know that Donald Trump was meeting with the Pennsylvania GOP at the Plaza and the security would be in full force.  Thankfully they still allowed guests in!

We spent time taking in our gorgeous hotel room and then walked the short distance to Serendipity 3 to enjoy lunch and their famous frozen hot chocolate.  After being seated by the host, he informed us we were sitting at the same table John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale sat at in the movie Serendipity!

After lunch, we spent the afternoon walking around Central Park until it was time to head to Little Italy for dinner.

Saturday morning we took a cab all the way downtown to see the Statue of Liberty and work our way slowly back uptown.  We walked to the New York Stock Exchange, Brooklyn Bridge, and One World Trade Center.  Word of advice-get tickets to the memorial museum ahead of time and get there plenty early.  The line was way too long so we missed out this time.  We ate lunch at Beecher's (after having eaten there in Seattle, we knew we had to have some more of their mac & cheese) and then continued our walk uptown stopping at Macy's and the New York Public Library.

Later that evening, our concierge (so fancy!) made dinner reservations at Cafe Un Deux Trois for us before we went to The Lion King on Broadway.  The show was fabulous!  

Until next time New York!