Tuesday, March 31, 2015


I've been on a blog hiatus lately and I don't really have a great excuse.  The best I can come up with is time.  My time has been spent doing other tasks {cleaning, teaching, interviewing, cooking, working, reading, show watching}.  Here is a snapshot of my lately.

In February, I was offered a new position as an Assistant Nurse Manager of a dementia unit we will be opening up this summer.

Monday through Friday, no weekends, no holidays here I come!

Interviews, interviews, interviews.  I've been going into work early nearly every day and on my days off to find staff to work on our new unit.

At the beginning of this month, I went to NYC with some friends to surprise another friend.  Blog post to come.

I went to a movie by myself for the first time ever and I survived!  I wanted to see Cinderella in theaters and couldn't find anyone to go with me thanks to my silly work schedule, so I went alone and the movie was wonderful.

I've read so many great books and I promise a "What I Read" post will be up soon.  In the meantime, stay up to date with what I'm reading by checking out my 2015 Reading List

I've started watching Homeland and I'm obsessed.

Clinicals this semester started early in February and we just started the second rotation.

My students have all been awesome!

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we've been having.  Happy Tuesday!